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Suppose I become enlightened. Named Infinite Life. All living beings hear this call. Come to my place. Like the golden body of Buddha. The wonderful things are perfect. Also with great compassion. Puli various products

Temple Introduction

Who are we?


The 佛光普照 (Buddha's light shines everywhere) is a fact of the pervasiveness of Dharma nature. It indicates that what the World-Honored One has realized is the fact of all-pervading and all-illuminating, which is actually the commonality of life. The Buddha is compliant to all sentient beings, giving to all sentient beings, respectful and deferential to all sentient beings, and treats every sentient being truthfully and completely. His such state of mind plays a role at any time and any place and is the common demand point of life at any time and place. This demand point is resplendent!

In any suppressed state of life, we use such merits to repay. The glory of life is irresistible. That is, every life needs this kind of glory to illuminate. Therefore, all sentient beings in the ten directions and the nine realms all praise and pay homage to the World-Honored One.

Inheritance of Buddhist teachings.

Construction dynamics.


The main road in the center of Mituo Temple is 1,400 meters long and 9 meters wide. It runs from east to west and runs through the center of the entire Mituo Temple area. Like the central channel of a human being, the central road is the [...] of all construction projects of Mituo Temple.


Do I really want to live here? I asked myself. The rusty iron sheet house has an uneven floor. Every step is accompanied by a creaking sound. Seven people are crowded in a space of 24 square meters [...].


随着三月的安居时光悄然流逝,摩尼地在一日一新从无到有的蜕变。 愿我们的道业,也像这不断变化的环境一样,日新月异 […]


清晨的阳光洒落在载着新房的货车上,它显得格外引人注目。在场的每个人,都怀着希望的心情,期待着它的到来。 卸车的 […]

Life dynamics.



—–归海 在我们的屋子后面,有一条小河,小河的尽头是海。果子的朋友小未给我们留下了一条宝贵的船儿。 顺河而下, […]



——修码头 这是果子在林间小路上轻快的念佛。佛号声声,好像在提醒果子别忘了生活本身的美好! 来到北岛,美好的事 […]



为了表达对这片土地及人民的尊重,平实地在生活中传递佛法的受用。弥陀寺僧团一行四人来到了当地的酋长村。 酋长村是 […]



摩尼地的钟声响起,第一次在这空旷的天地之间 。晚上九点,夜幕低垂,天空中繁星闪烁,月光轻柔地洒落。 台上结跏趺 […]

International short-term.



1.出家为什么要审遮难 慈法法师:我们还是从佛陀出世,建立僧团,乃至传播教法的缘起,来说寺院比较有意义。释迦文 […]







Participate and support.

The significance of safeguarding the light of life.

Support us to jointly establish such a platform for the exchange of Buddhist teachings. In the noisy world, there is always an original small island in the ocean far from the land. There is an unremitting inheritor of the Pure Land Buddhist teachings and a group of monks who guard the Buddha's teachings, guarding a place for everyone to communicate and practice Buddhism.
This Dharma place always welcomes Dharma enthusiasts from all over the world to practice the Pure Land teachings and experience the life of monks. It also welcomes Dharma inheritors with their respective lineages to come here and preserve various seeds of the Dharma teachings.


Talk about the world.


  1. 很期待有机会去寺院看看。特别是短期出家,我希望有有机会可以尝试下
  2. 生活需要这样一个洗涤心灵的地方


Picture wall.

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