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Construction dynamics.


The main road in the center of Mituo Temple is 1,400 meters long and 9 meters wide. It runs from east to west and runs through the center of the entire Mituo Temple area. Like the central channel of a human being, the central road is the [...] of all construction projects of Mituo Temple.


Do I really want to live here? I asked myself. The rusty iron sheet house has an uneven floor. Every step is accompanied by a creaking sound. Seven people are crowded in a space of 24 square meters [...].


随着三月的安居时光悄然流逝,摩尼地在一日一新从无到有的蜕变。 愿我们的道业,也像这不断变化的环境一样,日新月异 […]


清晨的阳光洒落在载着新房的货车上,它显得格外引人注目。在场的每个人,都怀着希望的心情,期待着它的到来。 卸车的 […]


在集装新房降临之初,首要任务是场地清理这包括影响建筑的树木,并进行土地的平整、测量 、定位、立柱,每一步都离不 […]


参与建设弥陀寺的人才急需,能借建寺因缘积极实践佛法,实践不为自求为正法住世的菩萨愿心,寺院建设功在千秋,我们相 […]

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